Foundations of Sowa Rigpa
Next cohort begins in September 2024!
1 Year/ 150 hours
This one year training presents the fundamentals principles of Tibetan healing in order improve quality of life, and learn how to promote health and rejuvenation at home, for one's self and in one’s family and communities.
This course is open to all and is suitable for both new students, dharma practitioners, as well as practitioners of other medical traditions.
After completing this course and all requirements, interested students will have the option to apply to continue on to one of our professional programs.
1 Year/ 150 hours
This one year training presents the fundamentals principles of Tibetan healing in order improve quality of life, and learn how to promote health and rejuvenation at home, for one's self and in one’s family and communities.
This course is open to all and is suitable for both new students, dharma practitioners, as well as practitioners of other medical traditions.
After completing this course and all requirements, interested students will have the option to apply to continue on to one of our professional programs.
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Current Courses Open to All
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
Dr. Nida Chenagtsang, founder of the Sowa Rigpa Institute: School of Traditional Tibetan Medicine, is a traditional Tibetan physician and international teacher of Tibetan Medicine (Sowa Rigpa), Buddhism, and yogic practices.
Born in Amdo, in North Eastern Tibet, Dr. Nida completed his medical studies in Lhasa, while training in all lineages of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially in the Longchen Nyingthig, Dudjom Tersar, and the Yuthok Nyingthig, the unique spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine. His extensive research and revival of ancient Tibetan healing methods has gained him high acclaim in the East and West.
In addition to his work as a physician, he trains students in Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig tradition in over forty countries around the world.
Born in Amdo, in North Eastern Tibet, Dr. Nida completed his medical studies in Lhasa, while training in all lineages of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially in the Longchen Nyingthig, Dudjom Tersar, and the Yuthok Nyingthig, the unique spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine. His extensive research and revival of ancient Tibetan healing methods has gained him high acclaim in the East and West.
In addition to his work as a physician, he trains students in Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig tradition in over forty countries around the world.
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Sowa Rigpa Institute is an NCCAOM (National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) Professional Development Provider.