Tibetan Dream Analysis

  • Teacher: Dr. Nida Chenagtsang
  • Open to all
  • Livestreamed from Pure Land Farms
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Thursday November 21st
7:30 - 9pm (Public Introductory Talk)

Friday November 22nd
9:30 - 12pm and 4 - 6pm

Saturday November 23rd
9:30 - 12pm and 4 - 6pm

Sunday November 24th
9:30 - 12pm 

All times are in Los Angeles/ Pacific Time
Check your time zone

If you would like to join this workshop in person at Pure Land Farms, learn more and register HERE
  • Six live online teachings + one year video access.
In this three day workshop, Dr Nida Chenagtsang, dream yoga master and Tibetan physician offers a rare look into the world of Tibetan dream (milam རྨི་ལམ་) interpretation and how it can be used for the purpose of healing. For centuries Tibetan dream masters have been able to see the deep link between the dream world and the waking state, recognizing how dreams can give clear indications of health warnings, obstacles, and foretell events yet to happen. With this knowledge, appropriate medical or spiritual interventions can be made for the benefit of both self and other.

Dr. Nida will share traditional Tibetan medical and Buddhist methods to analyze and interpret dream language and symbols (both personal and universal), to discern between prophetic and memory-induced dreams, and to assess imbalances in the body and mind. These methods can be used to access hidden knowledge about ourselves and resolve subtle emotional and psychological blockages. For the medical practitioner or healer, it offers an additional important lens through which to understand symptoms, manifest or not yet manifest.

This workshop is focused on dream analysis (not dream yoga), however it will be informed by both the Tibetan medical teachings of Sowa Rigpa and the Vajrayana teachings of the Yuthok Nyingthig. The weekend will include both theoretical instruction with practical meditation sessions, as well as group dream work guided by Dr. Nida.

Livestream Registration

PRICE: $250 Includes

- 6 Zoom sessions livestreamed from Pure Land Farms
- One year access to video recordings. (View only, not downloadable)
- PDF resources 

Dr. Nida Chenagtsang

Born in Amdo, in Northeastern Tibet, Dr. Nida began his early studies of Sowa Rigpa at the local Tibetan medical hospital. Later, he was awarded a scholarship to enter the Lhasa Mentseekhang or Tibetan Medical University, where he completed his degree in 1996, with practical training at the Tibetan Medicine hospitals in Lhasa and Lhoka.Alongside his medical education, Dr. Nida trained in Vajrayana with teachers from every school of Tibetan Buddhism. In particular, he trained in the Longchen Nyingthig tradition of the Nyingma school with his root guru Ani Ngawang Gyaltsen and in the Dudjom Tersar tradition with Chönyi Rinpoche and Semo Dechen Yudrön. He received complete instruction in the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, the unique spiritual tradition of Tibetan Medicine, from his teachers Khenpo Tsultrim Gyaltsen and Khenchen Troru Tsenam, and was requested to continue the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage by Jamyang Rinpoche of the Rebkong ngakpa and ngakma community.A well-known poet in his youth, Dr. Nida later published many articles and books on Sowa Rigpa and the Yuthok Nyingthig tradition in Tibetan and English, which have been translated into several languages. He has extensively researched ancient Tibetan healing methods, and has gained acclaim in East and West for his revival of little-known Tibetan external therapies.

Photo by Liz Sung